I'm just a girl in the world; that's all you'll let me be! ...okay enough of this cliché lyrical intro. I am just a girl, but I'm a girl who wants you to read what she's writing about something she loves more than anything else on the planet (well, from what I know, since I have yet to explore this entire Earth yet), which is music. I hope you enjoy. Leave comments, be a part of it.

Monday, September 7, 2009


So, I started a YouTube account where I would review albums in a Vlog style every week, but I don't think that kind of reviewing is for me. I am definitely more of a writer than an anchor. So far, I've reviewed Imogen Heap's "Ellipse" and Cobra Starship's "Hot Mess". I also made the video reviewing Ingrid Michaelson's "Everybody", but I didn't feel like it was good enough to upload. Don't get me wrong, editing and filming videos is one of my favorite pastimes, but I really think I prefer to not be the subject of the film. I would much rather sit behind my Macbook type, type, typing away where no one can see my face and I can sit here in my boxers and XL t-shirt listening to music that's too embarrassing to admit to listening to, especially as someone reviewing music. I'll post things whenever I have time due to my school schedule. I will probably review concerts I attend as well, not just albums! And perhaps I'll post pictures; who knows where this wild ride will lead?

Song of the day: "INSANE" by Grand Ole Party

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